Acclimation Guide

  • Float bag provided in tank for 15-30 minutes. Then, while keeping the bag afloat and open; add ~5oz of tank water into bag provided until the original amount has doubled. Then, pour bag into a net over sink, discarding water and transferring fish into tank. 

  • Place bag contents into aquatic safe container, use an airline hose and tie a loose knot on one end. Secure untied end in tank water and the tied end in your aquarium safe container. The loosely tied knot should drip fast, but not fast enough to make a stream. Once water level is doubled, net fish into tank.

  • Invitro culture agar should be rinsed off, plants can be gently broken apart to plant individually. Rhizome plants (anubias, java fern) should be planted only up to the roots, keeping the rhizome above substrate. This is similar to rosette plants. Plants do not need to be temperature acclimated.